Well I've wanted my own blog for quite sometime, but for some reason I just never really thought I had it in me to start one...well today I decided it's now or never & jumped in head first! At this point I really don't have a clue what I'm doing, so please be patient! I plan on sharing my favorite recipes, websites & my everyday life stories with y'all! I love to cook, my girlies are absolutely hilarious & I'm pretty crazy, so I should be able to keep y'all amused & coming back for more!
I quite honestly have my dream job...some may think I'm crazy, but honestly all I really ever wanted to be was a Mama. No I don't have a fancy degree, nor do I get paid for all that I do, but I don't think I could ever get any greater satisfation from anything else that I could do. There's alot in my life that I haven't done right, but being a good Mama is the one thing that I can honestly say I think I've gotten right! With that being said, my baby will soon be 5 & will be starting Kindergarten in the fall, which makes me so sad. My oldest daughter Abby started preschool when she was 3, I was sad, but I had a new baby at home that kept me entertained until that big yellow bus brought Abby home everyday. Now when Lani goes to school it's going to be another story, my mischievous little girl is my "velcro baby", as my Mama calls her. For the past 4 1/2 years we have been pretty inseperable, rarely away from each other, so it's going to be a big adjustment for both of us!
Because of the changes coming my way, the past few months I have been thinking of ways to occupy my time once both my girls are in school. One of the things that I love besides my girlies, is cooking. I love to cook real home cooked meals and seem to always be doing just that. Well a few of my friends talked me into making a "recipe" page on Facebook, so I did just that a few months ago & much to my surprise "What's Cookin'?" took off ! From there I decided I would start making cinnamon rolls & sell them to people I knew, so far I've had a pretty good demand for them & people seem to like them. Then I decided that maybe, just maybe I could start my own small catering business...well I have gotten my first job & am just keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that I do well with it. In May I'm going to start making entree dinners, desserts & salads & selling them, so we will have to wait & see how that goes.
My children got their patience from me & that pretty much equals no patience whatsoever & now that I've been told about a million times that it's suppertime, I better listen & get to cooking! See y'all later!
Beef Barley Soup
4 hours ago